Scientific Products / CellCelector Flex

CellCelector Flex | Sartorius

CellCelector is a fully automated cell imaging and picking system developed for the screening, detection, selection and isolation of single cells, clusters, spheroids and organoids, as well as single cell clones and adherent colonies.

CellCelector has three interchangeable picking modules (Single Cell Picking, Adherent Colony Picking and Semi-Solid Media Picking) with automatic module recognition and the rapid loading of applicable protocols and parameters. With this unique versatility, the system can be easily shared by several research groups and is an ideal resource for core facilities.


  • Versatility: picking and isolation from samples of single cells to complex models like organoids from a variety of liquid and semi-solid media
  • Isolation of living or fixed cells
  • Validated protocols for a wide range of applications
  • Flexibility to develop unique imaging, detection and picking protocols
  • Fully automated picking modes with real-time visualization of picking process
  • Automated adjustment of picking position and height
  • GLP and GMP compliant documentation and traceability

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Supporting Documents

Application Note

CellCelector Flex for Antibody Discovery and Production

Application Note

CellCelector Flex for Automated Image-based Single Cell Isolation & Picking

Application Note

High-Throughput Nanowell-Based Image-Verified Cloning for Cell Line Development

Application Note

Fully Automated Image-Based Single Cell and Colony Picking for Stem Cells

Application Note

Integrated Workflow Enabling Spatial Single-Cell Genomics

Application Note

Facilitating Rapid and Accurate Cell Line Development

Product Brochure

CellCelector Flex Capillaries, Tips and Consumables

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