NOV 14, 2023 6:00 AM PST

Measurement Of HbA1c In Diabetes: What You Need To Know

Sponsored by: Abbott
C.E. Credits: P.A.C.E. CE | Florida CE

Event Date & Time
Date: November 14, 2023
Time: 6:00 AM (PST), 9:00 AM (EST), 4:00 PM (CET)
It is over half a century since haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was recognised by medical professionals; the importance of HbA1c to the long term health of people with diabetes was clearly demonstrated in type 1 diabetes by the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT), and in type 2 diabetes by the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS). These studies demonstrated that lowering the glucose concentration in people with diabetes, reflected by lowering HbA1c, had a hugely beneficial effect on reducing diabetic complications. Continued improvements in HbA1c measurements, notably by global standardisation and continuous method improvements by manufacturers, has resulted in this measurement being one of the most important measurements undertaken in the Clinical Laboratory.
But after all this time do we fully understand this glycated protein? It is vital to understand the importance of standardisation on HbA1c measurement, this enabled this analyte to fulfil its full potential; standardisation has enabled HbA1c not only to play a vital role in assessing glycaemic control in patients with diabetes but also to be used to diagnose type 2 diabetes. It is important to understand the range of methods used to measure HbA1c, and the different principles used by different manufacturers. This will allow the user to assess the affect that interfering factors may have on analysis. What is the future for HbA1c measurement with the introduction of newer technologies such as continuous glucose monitoring? It is important to understand what is being monitored by these newer technologies. Haemoglobin A1c will continue to be an important measurement in the clinical laboratory for many years, and its use will continue to help reduce the devastating complications relating to diabetes.
Learning Objectives
  • Discuss Diabetes and its worldwide prevalence
  • Discuss the role of HbA1c in detecting and monitoring Diabetes 
  • Identify the different methods for HbA1c testing 
Webinars will be available for unlimited on-demand viewing after live event.

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