Poster Session

June 04, 2024 | 8:00am PDT | 10:00am CDT | 11:00am EDT | 5:00pm CEST

Antibody and Cell Therapy Development: The Life of Single Cells on Beacon® Platform

Join us as we reveal the revolutionary capabilities of Bruker Cellular Analysis' Beacon Optofluidic system. The Beacon platform provides a complete picture of single cell function through real-time imaging and multi-modal analysis on the same live single cell, with high throughput. Explore its advanced technologies and preset workflows tailored for various applications, including CAR/TCR discovery, T-cell Profiling, antibody discovery, and cell line development. Whether you are an industry expert or an academic researcher, this event promises invaluable insights into cutting-edge advancements shaping the future of antibody and cell therapy development.

Here's what awaits you:

  • Discover how the Beacon platform can elevate your CAR/TCR discovery, T cell profiling, cell therapy, antibody discovery, and cell line development.
  • Hear firsthand from industry experts how function-first assays can drive antibody discovery for difficult targets.
  • Understand why the Beacon instrument is amongst the most widely adopted technologies  for cell line development and has become the Gold Standard.
  • Engage in a live roundtable discussion with academic and industry experts on the technical advancements in single cell functional analysis.
  • Learn about the development of a novel autologous single tumor cell-single T cell co-culture platform, offering real-time visualization of tumor-killing TILs and paving the way for patient-specific T cell immunotherapies.

  • Vikram Devgan, PhD

    Vice President of Global Marketing, Bruker Cellular Analysis
  • Stefan Eichmüller, PhD

    Apl. Professor, Head of the Research Group GMP & T Cell Therapy, Qualified Person German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), D210, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, Heidelberg
  • Anthony E. Zamora, PhD

    Assistant Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology, and Department of Microbiology & Immunology
  • François Romagné

    Scientific Director MImAbs
  • Xiaoxiao Wang, PhD.

    Vice President of antibody discovery and ADC platform, Nona Bioscience.
  • Shu Wang, Ph.D.

    Principal Investigator at Incyte

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    Anthony E. Zamora, PhD
    Assistant Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology, and Department of Microbiology & Immunology
    François Romagné
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  • Vikram Devgan, PhD

    Vikram Devgan, PhD

    Vice President of Global Marketing, Bruker Cellular Analysis

  • Stefan Eichmüller, PhD

    Stefan Eichmüller, PhD

    Apl. Professor, Head of the Research Group GMP & T Cell Therapy, Qualified Person German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), D210, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, Heidelberg

  • Anthony E. Zamora, PhD

    Anthony E. Zamora, PhD

    Assistant Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology, and Department of Microbiology & Immunology

  • François Romagné

    François Romagné

    Scientific Director MImAbs

  • Xiaoxiao Wang, PhD.

    Xiaoxiao Wang, PhD.

    Vice President of antibody discovery and ADC platform, Nona Bioscience.

  • Shu Wang, Ph.D.

    Shu Wang, Ph.D.

    Principal Investigator at Incyte


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