Once again, the LabRoots team is on the road. This week they’ll be exhibiting at the annual American Society of Human Genetics conference in Vancouver, beginning today, October 19
th till the 22
nd. They will join a myriad of companies sitting on the cutting edge of genetic research.
ASHG 2016 conference is a leading event for genetics worldwide. Thoughts leaders and experts will present the latest breakthroughs in research and recent findings in genetics and genomics with the genetic community. Attendees will learn about new research practices with educational sessions covering several topics of interest.
LabRoots will be part of ASHG 2016, where attendees can register, chat with the team and learn more about all the virtual events and webinars LabRoots has to offer, not to mention a chance to pick up the “Mutations Happen” shirt, designed special for ASHG 2016. Be sure to stop by the LabRoots booth, #312!